The rot at DOJ runs deep

August 21, 2022 WND.COM

Having watched the Department of Justice in action these last 20 or so years, I see the raid on Mar-a-Lago as unprecedented only in its conspicuousness.

After Al Gore’s bitter loss in 2000, Democrats across the board have dedicated themselves to bureaucratic sedition, enabled by an equally embittered and increasingly imbalanced media. The FBI and the Department of Justice, which oversees the FBI, are riddled with leftist careerists, many of them in key positions. The symptoms of rot have been hard to avoid since at least 2004.

That was the year the exploits of former Clinton national security adviser Sandy Berger first surfaced. In the act of reviewing documents before his 9/11 Commission testimony, Berger did some things that would have put you or me in prison. He swiped some highly classified documents, and then, during a break, stashed them under a trailer at a construction site. He retrieved them at the end of the day and admittedly used scissors to cut the documents into little pieces before throwing them away.

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