Why has the Left finally noticed pedophilia?

May 31, 2024 WND

Scrolling through Twitter on Tuesday, I came across a sober video message from celebrity gadabout Paris Hilton. Dressed down in a modest track suit, Ms. Hilton sounded all the word like what the media might call a “QAnon fanatic.”

“And I really hope this is a lesson to people out there that if you’re abusing children, I will find out, I will find you. I will come with my huge spotlight and shine it on wherever you are.”

“This has been happening for decades, and people are just getting away with it. Not anymore,” said Hilton, who claims to have spoken to “thousands of survivors.”

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Obama Gets Around to Commenting on Hamas at Columbia

American Thinker

As Columbia University’s most prominent alum, former president Barack Obama would seem to have a moral obligation to speak about what is arguably the most visible outbreak of antisemitism on American soil in his lifetime.

I refer here to the occupation of Obama’s alma mater by Hamas-supporters who have been openly threatening Jewish students, chanting “Kill all Zionists,” and shouting racial slurs like “pig.” As I sat down to write this, five days into the protest, Obama had said not a word.

By contrast, Obama was tweeting about the August 2017 Antifa/white nationalist brouhaha in Charlottesville, Virginia before the day was through. “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion,” Obama tweeted in the evening of August 12. “People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

At the time, this was the most “liked” tweet in Twitter (now X) history. In the last five days, Obama tweeted about Earth Day twice, about a book on healthy lifestyles, and about the death of Florida politico Bob Graham. But not a word about Columbia, at least not until I started writing.

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Has the George Floyd era come to an end?


On Monday morning, I pulled into my office parking lot to see something that I thought I would never live to see – a work crew painting over a sprawling George Floyd mural.

It was my Berlin Wall moment, a sign perhaps of the end of an era as criminally insane as the one that gave us the wall in Berlin. I took a photo to capture the work in progress. I’m not sure anyone else did.

In truth, no one ever cared about Floyd, a chronic felon and pathetic druggie. His erasure from my neighborhood wall evoked no protest, not a single peep. The optimist in me sees that as a good sign, the end of a DEI-driven era of racial madness.

The pessimist in me sees the newly blank wall as a clean slate ready for a new mural of a new martyr and maybe, who knows, even a new disease to make the whole thing work. Rinse and repeat.

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The Un-American Inequality of Jan. 6 ‘Justice’

March 30, 2024 American Spectator

Like the Jacobins of revolutionary France, leftist elites in America were diabolically prepared to use mob violence to advance their presidential ambitions in the mad year of 2020. Indeed, the very first protesters at the White House gates the Friday following George Floyd’s May 25 death in Minneapolis were calling for President Donald Trump’s resignation.

Protesting soon turned into rioting. That evening, anxious Secret Service agents ushered the president and his family into an underground bunker. The rioting resumed on Saturday and grew more serious. Rioters tried to push through security barriers, damaged six Secret Service vehicles, and threw bricks, rocks, fireworks, bottles, and other objects at Secret Service personnel. In some instances, they kicked, punched, and threw bodily fluids at the officers. By Sunday morning, 60 of the officers had been injured.

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Why no gay golfers on the PGA Tour?


In 2006, Hawaii-born Tadd Fujikawa played in his one and only major golf championship, the U.S. Open. He did not make the cut. Today, his X page tells us he is the pickleball pro at Sea Island Resort.

Despite his humble career, Fujikawa does have one major distinction. When I google “gay golfer,” he shows up at the top of the feed. He is the gay, male golfer.

In two weeks, 86 golfers will tee up at the Masters. Last week, 144 golfers competed in the Players Championship. None of the golfers in either tournament is openly gay, probably not even covertly gay.

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The Regime Attacks Chauvin Defenders

American Spectator

In editing Dr. John Dunn’s report on the death of George Floyd, I became aware of the 30,000 words journalist Radley Balko has invested in attacking Derek Chauvin’s defenders. Balko spent nine years at the Washington Post. He has some clout. He has been using that clout — and his extensive knowledge of the case — to intimidate those who have just begun to open their eyes to the injustice visited on former Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) officers Derek Chauvin, Thomas Lane, Alex Keung, and Tuo Thau. This bullying needs to stop.

In the way of background, I have been tracking this case since the moment the Floyd death videos started circulating. What piqued my interest was this: I watched a police officer apply the same restraint just weeks before the Floyd incident. During that ghostly Covid spring of 2020 I was at my office in Kansas City’s counter-cultural district when I heard someone howling. People howl a lot here. (READ MORE from Jack Cashill: The Un-American Inequality of Jan. 6 ‘Justice’)

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J6 great-grandma heads to D.C. to face ‘an impartial jury’


This past Saturday I had the honor of hosting a small fundraiser for Rebecca Lavrenz, one of the 10 women I am profiling in my upcoming book, “Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6.”

Rebecca and her daughter Jennifer stopped by Kansas City where I live on their way to Washington, D.C. If the Sixth Amendment still holds in the district, “an impartial jury” will decide whether Rebecca is guilty of the misdemeanors with which she is charged.

Rebecca faces many of the standard J6 charges: disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly conduct in a Capitol Building or grounds; and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol Building.

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The scary part of the Hur-Biden deposition


On Oct. 8, 2023, the day after Hamas savaged the people of southern Israel, President Joe Biden sat for a deposition with U.S. Attorney Robert Hur, the special counsel investigating Biden’s handling of classified material. At one point, Hur asked Biden where he kept his documents during the time he was living at Chain Bridge Road.

“This is, what, 2017, 2018, that area?” asked Biden. Hur affirmed that it was. “Remember, in this time frame, my son is either been deployed or is dying,” volunteered Biden, the first time anyone referred to his late son, Beau Biden. For the record, Beau was deployed to Iraq in 2009. A further complication, as Biden explained, was that “there were still a lot of people at the time when I got out of the Senate that were encouraging me to run [for president] in this period. …”

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Why the KC shooters didn’t get the Rittenhouse treatment


On Wednesday, Feb. 14, at 2:29 p.m., I got a text from my sister in New Jersey, asking, “You all OK?” I live in Kansas City. I figured something bad must have happened. It did. At 2:02 p.m. Kansas City Police confirmed that shots had been fired in front of Kansas City’s restored Union Station at the end of the Chiefs Super Bowl parade. By 2:13 p.m. two suspects had been detained.

My office is about 2 miles away from Union Station, but I was unaware of the incident until I checked the news. Now a half hour after the shooting, I quickly texted my sister back, “Boyz will be Boyz.”

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Why the CIA is hiding the ‘Putin Loves Hillary’ report


This past week independent journalists Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi revealed that Obama’s CIA honcho John Brennan doctored the critical January 2017 “Intelligence Community Assessment” (ICA) to make it appear that Vladimir Putin favored Trump for the presidency in 2016.

These journalists contend that the CIA is currently hiding at its headquarters a 50-page report asserting the opposite, namely that Putin favored Hillary.

In the way of background, President Barack Obama commissioned the ICA in December 2016. On Jan. 6, 2017 – a day that will live in infamy – the conspirators released the declassified version. This was Brennan’s way of welcoming the president-elect to Washington.

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